About US

Your Digital Marketing Wizards

At when&how, we value educating and empowering our partners with valuable resources as much as we value their business. While it appears to be the wave of a magic wand to some, our clients come to learn that it’s industry knowledge and expertise combined with world-class technology.

Our Values

Clients of when&how don’t experience a service; they experience a partnership, which is why we experience a 98% client retention rate. SImply put, our partners trust us.

At when&how, we openly share competitive insights, industry knowledge and expertise asking nothing in return. Would you like to know how you’re digital presence stacks up against your competition? We’ll run a FREE, no obligation report for you.


We provide digital analysis, industry statistics and intuitive dashboards to empower business owners to take control of their digital presence and make informed decisions for their business. Would you like to save time, money and mistakes? We’ll give you freemium access, with no commitment, to express versions of our core digital services.


We partner with our clients to offer consultative expertise, without the hourly cost. Once we’ve earned your trust by educating and empowering you with powerful dashboards to make better decisions, our working relationship is primed for partnership. It’s symbiotic, really. You’re able to better control what you’re comfortable with and we’re here to guide you in those efforts and manage whatever you’d like to offload.


In conjunction with our sister company, FOX VALLEY MAGAZINE we create opportunities to captivate highly engaged local audiences and uniquely communicate the value of your brand, business or services. As an authority and trusted partner to regional Fox Valley area businesses for nearly two decades, we’ve provided multi-channel digital marketing strategies designed to help our clients build brand equity, drive traffic, generate qualified leads, and convert browsers into buyers.

Website Development

Listing Management

SEO/SEM/Link Building

Reputation Management

Social Media

Digital Advertising

Content Development

Creative Services

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!